An Artist Statement and Artist Bio are both essential components of an artist’s website, resume, or CV. Each is created with an explicit purpose and role in defining your place in the art world. Both should evolve and change with your career. As your life and your art move forward, take the time to periodically review and revise your Statement and Bio to reflect your current status accurately.

Artist Statement

Your Artist Statement is about your art, not about you. It should be written in the first person and contain information about your creative process and intentions and the current direction of your work. You can write an Artist Statement for individual art pieces or create a general statement that encompasses a larger body of your work.  

 Your Artist Statement should be a one-paragraph summary description of the fundamental elements of your art, including your chosen themes and mediums, tools, and techniques. Your goal is to encourage the reader to view or experience your work as unique and compelling. 

 A successful Artist Statement will motivate the reader to take the next step – to contact you directly, learn about the availability of your art for viewing or purchase, consider your application for a grant, exhibition, or admission to a program. The possibilities are endless. 

 An Artist Statement is a powerful promotional piece that allows you to describe your art in your own words. For more tips on writing a successful Artist Statement, check out examples at

 Artist Bio

 Your Artist Bio is basically a resume in paragraph form, often written in the third person. It features your education, career achievements, and summary of work to date. It can include how and when you began your career and a concise historical perspective of mentors and motivations, notable collaborations, and upcoming projects and events. If written correctly, it will help serve as a guide to interpreting your art.

 Your Artist Bio can be longer than your statement but not too lengthy, depending on the context. It is helpful to have a short and sweet Artist Bio ready to roll upon request and a longer, more detailed version when required. For a quick look at samples of contemporary Artist Bios, check out this link 


 When writing any piece that describes you and your professional work, it is important to ensure that it clearly and accurately reflects you and your art while providing a personal perspective that opens a window into your artistic soul. 

 Arts Spark is a division of Interactive Media Consulting, LLC a full-service website and digital marketing firm located in Saratoga Springs, NY. Services include website design and programming (including eCommerce database and custom software integrations), branding, content creation, print collateral materials, and hosting. Our websites are fast, accessible, supported, and secure. We are experts in how people use the web.  Contact us today for a free consultation.