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You can contact us after hours via text message.  Please reserve this ONLY for true emergencies, as the message is forwarded to the personal cell phone of staff members who may or may not have instant computer access.

This should be used to report immediate information about unusual problems that we can address via cell phone (i.e. contacting technical support if your website is down). Please note that we have 3rd party tools that monitor our servers and alert us via text message if there is a problem. 

If your website is down and the cause is server related, we probably already know about it and someone is working on it. Emergency updates can be completed as soon as a representative is available. Please note we do not have 24/7 staff.

To reach us in an emergency is:

Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul.

- Vincent van Gogh

The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of.

- Leonardo da Vinci

Music is life itself.

- Louis Armstrong

Where words fail, music speaks.

- Hans Christian Anderson

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

- Martha Graham