Okay, maybe everyone doesn’t need a marketing kick start, but most businesses can certainly benefit from one.  First, what is a marketing kick start–at Arts Spark, we start by helping you define your target audience.  Then we evaluate your current marketing, including social media, print, digital, and other avenues.  We make recommendations and then give your marketing a kick start by doing things such as following others, redesigning your social media presence, setting up email campaigns, and training you to keep up the new work.

Signs that you need a marketing kick start include:

  • Stagnant “likes” on social media — you just aren’t increasing your audience
  • Decreased engagement on social media — people aren’t liking, sharing or commenting on your posts
  • Decreased attendance at your events — people just don’t know that you’ll be in the area or are opening a show
  • Answering the “wrong” questions — people contact you, but the questions they ask make it clear they don’t understand you or your art
  • Caught in a rut — you feel that you’re caught in a rut, doing the same things over and over and want a fresh approach
    • Just don’t know where to start — we get it, you’re a musician or a writer or an artist, not a marketer

So, if you’re ready to get started, check out some of our packages or request a quote. We look forward to hearing from you!