Call for Artists: Art in the Park 2017
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Historic Congress Park, Saratoga Springs, NY
Rain Date: Saturday, September 23
Saratoga Arts is seeking fine artists to show and sell their work at Art in the Park!
Saratoga Arts invites artists (including painters, photographers, ceramicists, sculptors, printmakers, silversmiths, and more) to exhibit and sell their work in beautiful Congress Park on Saturday, September 16, 2017.
Art in the Park features artists from the greater Saratoga and Capital regions, displaying and selling their original two- and three-dimensional creations and personally-designed and crafted functional art in a beautiful park setting. This year’s event will include prizes and a Kidz Art Zone! There will also be live music performances and delicious food vendors.
Due to the tremendous success and feedback from artists at Art in the Park in September 2016, Saratoga Arts has decided to focus its efforts on making one Art in the Park event the best and most successful one yet!
Registration fees are $65 for Saratoga Arts Members and $75 for Non-Members. Not a member of Saratoga Arts? No worries – sign up today to participate in member-exclusive exhibition programs, receive discounts on classes and in the Gallery Shop, plus much more!
Are you an artist interested in participating in this event? Click here to access the application form. Please call 518.584.4132 or emailĀ for more information.
Applications are due no later than September 1, 2017

Photo Courtesy of Saratoga Arts
Arts Spark provides Calls for Artists as a service to our community. We are not affiliated with the organizations and cannot help you with your submission. Please use the contact information in the posts if you have any questions.